In fact, it is possible to exert conversion on O-proposition in conversion by contraposition inference which takes the premise by the universal proposition. 本文通过欧拉图我们可以证明以全称命题为前提的换质位法推理中O命题是能够换位的。
A Universal Proposition about the Resonance Theorem for a Family of Additive Functionals on a Topological Group 关于拓扑群上加性泛函族共鸣定理的一个普遍性命题
The purpose of the paper is to explore universal phenomenon and mechanism in land use system, a proposition which has to be answered by modern land science. 研究目的:探索蕴含在土地利用系统中的普遍现象和机制,是现代土地科学发展必须回答的重要命题。
Secondly, the universal proposition to believe that content decides form does not adequately uncover and describe essence of Chinese Education as a special category from philosophy aspect. 其次,从哲学的角度看,内容决定形式这一普遍命题没能充分揭示和具体描述作为一个特殊范畴的语文教育的本质。
Data query for proposition with universal quantifier and data query for implication proposition are two categories of the most practical and difficult data queries. 带有全称量词命题与蕴含命题的数据查询是数据库应用系统中最实用的两类查询,但也是最难的两种数据查询。